Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WOW!!! Where have I been

Well... time has split by and I haven't been on here in awhile. Everything is going good with the pregnancy. We are having a boy for those that don't already know. And is name is gonna be Braxton Connor Welsh. I will have to post some pics from our 4D ultrasound that we had about 2 weeks ago. The nursery is complete and we are just awaiting the arrival of our son. I have been working part time in Daphne and Kevin is working in Uriah now. He is working alot of hours to help us get ready for the baby. Bless his heart, he is so exhausted!!! We are going to Troy this weekend for homecoming and are very excited about it. It will be nice to get away for a couple of days. Anyways, not much has changed with the Welsh family in a few months.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today was my second visit for the baby!! It was amazing and the baby is healthy. I had another ultrasound and got to see the face, hands, and feet. It was waved at me!!! I am actually 11 weeks so my due date has been moved up to Jan. 13, 2010. I am just totally amazed that everything is happening like it is!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well, today is a great day!!! Kevin started his new job today. It is a big relief for us that he is finally back to work. It will cut into some of his fishing time, but he s perfectly fine with it.He will be making money instead of spending it. :) Everything with the pregnancy has been great! I have not gotten the dreaded "morning sickness" (knock on wood). I'm finally starting to get some energy back and feeling like a pregnant woman. Anyways, Kevin is working back in the oil industry with another company in Uriah, AL. It's about an 1hr and 1/2 drive one way for him. But it is all worth it. We know up front that this project will only last about 12 months and we are prepared mentally for that. Since we now know that we can make it on one income, we are going to put his checks entirely into savings, so that when the baby comes and I have to be off it will be okay.

HORRAY for Kevin and his new job!

Monday, June 1, 2009

We're having a BABY!!!!!

AHHHHHHHH.... I can't believe it Kevin and I are having a baby!!! We found out I was pregnant the day after Mother's Day. We went to the doctor on May 28th and found out I was 6 weeks and 1 day (so I am 6 weeks and 5 days, now). We got to hear the heartbeat, it was so amazing. I cried and Kevin couldn't believe it. He took video of it on his phone. We have our next visit in 4 weeks with our OB. My regular doctor doesn't deliver babies anymore, so she referred us to another doctor. Her name is Dr. Mary Wells. Our due date is set for Jan. 20, 2010. Kevin is kinda bummed we missed the tax write off by 20 days. LOL!!! Seriously though, we are both on cloud nine (me more than him I think).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Waiting Game

Well, we are continuing to wait for the economy to pick back up. I am still working (thankfully) and Kevin is still job hunting. There is not much we can do at this point, because NOBODY is hiring. Some people don't understand that and hound us about when will Kevin get a job, but if there are no jobs out there, how can he get one. Anyways.... our family and friends are amazing and I want to thank you all for your love and support. We are gearing up for our annual trip to Talladega Super Speedway!!!! YAY! I can not wait.... some time off is much needed. Anyways that is what is going on in our lives for now.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Red Fish

On Friday, Kevin and I took Patrick and Ashley out fishing. We were looking for Red fish and cobia. I have never been red fishing before. It was a little rough out in the gulf.... but it was well worth it for the fish we caught. I am very excited that the boys let me and Ashley reel up our own fish and coached us through it all. I have never caught any fish this big yet, so I am exicted to share with everyone our catch of the day. My papaw will be so proud of his grandchildren when he sees the pictures. At one point, we had three rods with three red fish on at once. It was very exciting!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well... 2009 was off to a good year, but that came to an abrupt hault yesterday afternoon. We both found out that they are shutting our project down for awhile. It is costing the oil company too much money to keep us all working when they are not getting anything in return. Oil is now at $36 a barrel, and when this project started 2 years ago it was at $49 a barrel. So due to the rough economy, we were told yesterday that we would be out of jobs come Monday. This was a huge shock to us both. This morning brought us a little bit of good news. Our boss called and said they wanted to keep me on part time to full time to help keep things updated so that when oil did come back up, we could restart this project. So that is hopeful. It is no guarantee how long they will keep me. So now we are facing the dreaded job hunt like millions of Americans. I hate this and it sucks, but well will get through it. Please just keep us in your prayers!!!! Love yall!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hi! We are new at this, but this should be fun. Kevin and I have been staying busy with work. Hopefully, we will keep our jobs for a little bit longer. There is a project in the works in Monore County that we are anxiously awaiting to hear when we can start on it. Please keep us in your prayers for that. I am taking only one class this semester. I will have one more class to take before my intership. I am scheduled to intern in the fall, but we will see how this job thing is going first. Whiskey is more spoiled than ever!!!!! We spent the weekend in Montgomery helping my brother and his fiance do wedding stuff. It is all coming along just fine. Ashley asked me to be her matron of honor, and I could not be more touched and excited. Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day. Oh yeah, we are headed to Arkansas this coming weekend to celebrate my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary!!! WOW!!! I love you Mamaw and Papaw!!